The word soap comes from the Latin word “Sapo” – which shares its name with its namesake Mount Sapo along with the Roman legend of ash and water being mixed and washed down the mountainside. Soap comes in many forms throughout the world today and its humble beginnings have a history for ages. The Italians call it Sapone, The French - Savon and in Spanish Jabon is used to describe this product first used as early as 2800 BC. For English speakers Soap is the cleanest four-letter word in this language.
The first soap makers were Babylonians, Egyptians along with the Greeks and Romans. Most first uses were to clean utensils and wool for market. We have come a long way since then, for good reasons. If it needs to be clean there is a soap for it, hand soap, body soap, face Soap, dish soap, laundry soap and many more. The product is so popular that soap companies sponsored daytime shows to sell it – hence the word Soap operas.
At Cook Ranch Soap Company we use olive oil and other oils to complement our fragranced soaps. We have also made history inventing our patent pending toilet paper holder roller made from soap. This unique invention Roll-Away-Odors-From-Beyond is made from the soap from our Waterfall Orchards Collection of Olive Oil Soaps. All of which are available on our website Our tag lines “The perfect gift for your bathroom,” Freshness is A Roll-Away” and “Making the bathroom a better place, one bathroom at a time.” Says it all.
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