Happy New Year - from Cook Ranch Old World Soap company - another 365-day new cycle has begun, 2024 is in the books and Chapter 1 of 2025 has begun.
Our last newsletter was about Daylight Saving’s time and what will happen to it this year – keep it or abolish it. This debate will continue and only time will tell if its renewed.
For now, we will focus on one thing that will definitely happen this year.
What we do know will happen in 2025 is there will be twelve full moons and three supermoons. Below are the names and dates of these higher-than-normal gravitational pushes and pulls on Earth.
January “wolf moon” - Jan. 13th
February “snow moon” - Feb. 12th
March “worm moon” - March 14th
April “pink moon” - April 12th
May “flower moon” - May 12th
June “strawberry moon” - June 11th
July “buck moon” - July 10th
August “sturgeon moon” - Aug. 9th
September “harvest moon” - Sept. 7th
October “hunter’s moon” - Oct. 6th Supermoon
November “beaver moon” - Nov. 5th Supermoon
December “cold moon” - Dec. 4th Supermoon
A Supermoon is when the moon is full and is closest to Earth in its approximate 27-day orbit around us - approximately 226,000 miles away from Earth.
Each full moon has a name with some having a couple due to old folklore and ancient traditions. January’s “Wolf moon” came to light due to the Native Americans belief the wolves would howl at the moon due to being hungry during the winter. Many Asians called it “Feast moon,” because of their new year celebration of abundance. Europeans looked up and said look at the “Cold Moon” because of the frost seen in the light of the moon. No matter what you call it, it is beautiful and will be here next week for sure.
Another thing that will occur this year is Cook Ranch Old World Soap Company will continue providing excellent products to our beautiful world no matter what the moon phase is in. Visit our site at Cookranchsoap.com for a complete list of our products and sign up for our free newsletter. We email it only once a week to enlighten your world with fun facts. Happy Shopping